Contact Us

Can't find what you're looking for? Have questions about a product? You're in the right place.

Woman at conference showing Pajunk product
Caroline Bain Photo at Conference

Dyna Medical is a Canadian, family owned and operated business. For 30 years, customer service has been our top priority.

You can reach us at: 519-642-0424, Monday to Friday between 9:00AM and 4:00PM EST.
Or, fill out the form and we'll do our best to get back to you within one business day.
Here's how we can help...
Product Questions (New Customers)

If you’re a new customer and have questions about a product, we’ll have one of our product specialists get in touch. Check out our Education page which has product demos, webinars and guides.

Product Support (Existing Customers)

Purchase a product and have a question? We always recommend you consult the Instructions for Use (IFU) that came with the product but we’re also happy to chat! To obtain a digital IFU for a Pajunk product click here. You can also check out our Education page which has product demos, webinars and guides.

Sample Request

Looking to trial a new product? We’ll do our best (stock dependent) to provide you with samples for your clinical evaluation.


Are you hosting a Canadian POCUS course or workshop? Let us know when and where and we'll do our best to support your event.

Schedule an In-Service

We’d love to help you in person. We are based in London, Ontario and travel throughout Canada for sales and conferences. Get in touch and we’ll schedule an in-person visit or Zoom call.

You can also view our conference schedule here.

Place an Order

Ready to place an order? We’re here to help! Please note we can only sell to customers with a Canadian shipping and billing address.  Our warehouse fills orders Monday – Friday 9:00AM-4:00PM EST excluding holidays. To set you up as a new customer, we will need to know the name of your clinic, shipping and billing address.

Parler à quelqu'un en français

Nous avons un agent commercial basé au Québec pour accompagner notre clientèle québécoise et autres clients canadiens-français. Veuillez remplir le formulaire et ils vous contacteront.

General Inquiries

Anything we’ve missed? Fill out the form and let us know!

Contact and Request Form

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Dyna Medical Contact Information

London, Ontario

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