NerveStim PNS

Pajunk's New Stimulator for Peripheral Nerve Localization

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Woman at conference showing Pajunk product

NerveStim PNS

Pajunk's New Stimulator for Peripheral Nerve Localization

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Woman at conference showing Pajunk product

NerveStim PNS

NerveStim PNS by Pajunk is a stimulator for nerve localization and nerve mapping prior to peripheral nerve blocks. This new stimulator boasts a user-friendly interface that includes a central button for starting and stopping stimulation, as well as adjusting parameters by turning it. Additionally, it features four push buttons for setting stimulation duration, frequency, and two customizable favourite settings. Users can save up to two sets of preferred parameters, which can be easily accessed through the touch screen.

The stimulator can be used for both non-invasive stimulation with the NerveStim PEG handle for transcutaneous peripheral nerve mapping or for invasive stimulation with Pajunk stimulation needles and catheters.

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Overview of key advantages

Large Touchscreen

Easy to read

Preset Buttons

Two parameter sets for easy and quick access to presets

Invasive & Non-Invasive Modes

Overview of key advantages

Features & Advantages

1. One Working Mode
  • Nerve localization and nerve mapping for peripheral nerve blocks
2. Technical Parameters
  • Stimulation frequency:
    1, 2, 5 Hz
  • Stimulation current range:
    Invasive: 0 to 6 mA
    PEG: 0 to 20 mA
  • Pulse width: 0.05 ms, 0.10 ms, 0.30 ms, 0.50 ms, 1.00 ms
3. Large Touch Screen
  • Easy to read
4. Preset Buttons
  • Easy and quick access to preset parameters
  • Saving up to two parameter sets
5. PEG Handle
  • For non-invasive nerve mapping with transcutaneous peripheral nerve stimulation
6. Invasive & Non-Invasive Modes

Features & Advantages

Leaf outline

Ordering Information

| Product | Description | Item no. | Purchase Unit | MDALL License | | ------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- | :-------------: | :-------------: | | NerveStim PNS
| Nerve Stimulator for connection of needles or catheters | 1151-94-70 | 1 | 10029 | | Patient cable for stimulation needles | for connection of needles or catheters | 1151-94-22 | 1 | TBC | | Patient Cable (Percutaneous)
| with PEG handle | 1151-94-23 | 1 | TBC | | Dual Function Patient cable | with PEG handle and for connection to needles and catheters | 1151-94-24 | 1 | TBC |
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